Ebay or other similar auction sites are perfect to find wonderful deals on your favourite Coach purses. The sad truth is that not all sellers on Ebay are honest. It is commonly recognized that folks try to sell non real Coach purses to trusting consumers. Don't let yourself be one of those that are fooled by these fake Coach purses. Do not be concerned though, there are some common features of these fake products and when you familiarize yourself with them you will be able to spot a fake Coach purse from a mile away.
Be on the look-out for someone who has many of the same purses for sale. There are websites that sell the fake Coach purses for discount in huge volume and dishonest sellers often buy from these places so they have many of the same bags. Fabric is much easier and less expensive to exploit so be extra careful when dealing with cloth coach bags. Unfortunately this does not make you safe if you are buying a leather coach purse.
A good clue into whether the purse is authentic or not is buy paying attention to the photos, they can tip you off to a fake Coach purse. A possible tip that the bag is fake is if the seller is using Coach's website pictures which usually have a white background. Another tip is the size of the picture. If the picture is so small that you can't see any detail of the purse then Contact the seller and see if they will send you an actual picture of the item. With a decent picture and some common sense you should be able to tell if the Coach purse not an original.
It is important to read the text of the seller's post very carefully. Look to see if the seller mentions that the Coach purse is what it's supposed to be, an authentic Coach purse. Unfortunately it is not uncommon for shady Ebay sellers to avoid flat out lying they will not tell you the whole truth.
Just like when you are buying any other object on Ebay it is smart to pay close attention to the sellers. It is always more risky to buy from someone who has little or no feedback. In fact, to stay safe, I would simple not buy from someone who has not or little feedback. If the Seller has lots of feedback make sure you read the negative feedback and see if there is any mention of Fake Coach purses . Remember that if you have any questions you can always write the seller
One of the most important tips is to always use PayPal when you buy things off of Ebay. When you use PayPal you are instantly eligible for $2000 dollars in coverage if something goes wrong with the purchase. If somehow after reading all these tips you do end up with a fake coach purse then you can get your money back by disputing the transaction. It's all good :)
This article was not intended to scare you. Ebay is still a good spot to buy Coach Purses at discount prices. Take a deep breath, and so long as you take this recommendation to heart you should purchase Coach Purses and super discount deals. Happy shopping! - 29959
Be on the look-out for someone who has many of the same purses for sale. There are websites that sell the fake Coach purses for discount in huge volume and dishonest sellers often buy from these places so they have many of the same bags. Fabric is much easier and less expensive to exploit so be extra careful when dealing with cloth coach bags. Unfortunately this does not make you safe if you are buying a leather coach purse.
A good clue into whether the purse is authentic or not is buy paying attention to the photos, they can tip you off to a fake Coach purse. A possible tip that the bag is fake is if the seller is using Coach's website pictures which usually have a white background. Another tip is the size of the picture. If the picture is so small that you can't see any detail of the purse then Contact the seller and see if they will send you an actual picture of the item. With a decent picture and some common sense you should be able to tell if the Coach purse not an original.
It is important to read the text of the seller's post very carefully. Look to see if the seller mentions that the Coach purse is what it's supposed to be, an authentic Coach purse. Unfortunately it is not uncommon for shady Ebay sellers to avoid flat out lying they will not tell you the whole truth.
Just like when you are buying any other object on Ebay it is smart to pay close attention to the sellers. It is always more risky to buy from someone who has little or no feedback. In fact, to stay safe, I would simple not buy from someone who has not or little feedback. If the Seller has lots of feedback make sure you read the negative feedback and see if there is any mention of Fake Coach purses . Remember that if you have any questions you can always write the seller
One of the most important tips is to always use PayPal when you buy things off of Ebay. When you use PayPal you are instantly eligible for $2000 dollars in coverage if something goes wrong with the purchase. If somehow after reading all these tips you do end up with a fake coach purse then you can get your money back by disputing the transaction. It's all good :)
This article was not intended to scare you. Ebay is still a good spot to buy Coach Purses at discount prices. Take a deep breath, and so long as you take this recommendation to heart you should purchase Coach Purses and super discount deals. Happy shopping! - 29959