I was surfing the net the other day, and came across an article that left me flabbergasted. As you all likely know by this time, I am definitely a designer handbag fanatic. There have been months where I have carefully considered bouncing my rent check to purchase a purse I simply couldn't do without. Who am I kidding? I have rebounded my rent to purchase a new handbag! And I'd likely do it again.
Well, it appears that my quandary has come to an end. I was browsing the internet the other day, and found an engaging article. It was about the expanding industry of designer purse rentals! Now I've been told of luxury car rentals and even designer wedding dress rentals, but I never imagined a day when I could rent the latest Chanel purse. Are you able to picture yourself going into smash handbags and hiring the purse you've been saving your cash for? I know that I can!
There is a company called Bag Borrow or Steal that, so far as I can tell, is the first of a kind. They have a wonderful website, and a business design like no other. It is very similar to Netflix or something to that effect, but you rent handbags rather than the latest DVD. Rather similar to leasing videos, you pay annual subscription and you are permitted access to a collection of beautiful purses to use on a transient basis.
The type of bag you are allowed to borrow is determined by your membership level. Memberships range from $19.95 to $174.95 every year. You can keep the bag for as long as you like, but it must stay in the condition you received it in. I'm wondering if they have an insurance plan.
After doing some research, I discovered another company that is offering something similar. They are called From Bags to Riches, and their service are slight different from the company mentioned above. Instead of charging an annual membership fee, this company allows you to rent on a weekly or monthly basis.
The price of the rental is determined by the duration and type of bag you want to rent. This site organizes their collections by brand name, and monthly rentals range from $$19.90 to $79.80. They also offer their customers the option to purchase their rented purse, if they cannot bring themselves to return it. They know me so well, don't they? - 29959
Well, it appears that my quandary has come to an end. I was browsing the internet the other day, and found an engaging article. It was about the expanding industry of designer purse rentals! Now I've been told of luxury car rentals and even designer wedding dress rentals, but I never imagined a day when I could rent the latest Chanel purse. Are you able to picture yourself going into smash handbags and hiring the purse you've been saving your cash for? I know that I can!
There is a company called Bag Borrow or Steal that, so far as I can tell, is the first of a kind. They have a wonderful website, and a business design like no other. It is very similar to Netflix or something to that effect, but you rent handbags rather than the latest DVD. Rather similar to leasing videos, you pay annual subscription and you are permitted access to a collection of beautiful purses to use on a transient basis.
The type of bag you are allowed to borrow is determined by your membership level. Memberships range from $19.95 to $174.95 every year. You can keep the bag for as long as you like, but it must stay in the condition you received it in. I'm wondering if they have an insurance plan.
After doing some research, I discovered another company that is offering something similar. They are called From Bags to Riches, and their service are slight different from the company mentioned above. Instead of charging an annual membership fee, this company allows you to rent on a weekly or monthly basis.
The price of the rental is determined by the duration and type of bag you want to rent. This site organizes their collections by brand name, and monthly rentals range from $$19.90 to $79.80. They also offer their customers the option to purchase their rented purse, if they cannot bring themselves to return it. They know me so well, don't they? - 29959