Toy Story Costumes Don't Mean Just Woody or Buzz Lightyear Outfits

By David Lawson

When it comes to choosing Halloween costumes it seems as though Buzz Lightyear, Woody, and Jessie are perfect selections because it's like their characters were drawn for the occasion. You would be hard pressed to to find a film that inspired more Halloween outfits than the animated Toy Story.

Choosing Unique Toy Story Costumes

Toy Story costumes may be top on your list for Halloween costume ideas this year, especially since it's so easy to find a Sheriff Woody, Cowgirl Jessie, or Buzz Lightyear getup. But wouldn't be be more exciting to express more of your individuality and go with a less well-known toy from the blockbuster movies?

After all, the three main characters shouldn't be all you limit yourself to. For some other great Toy Story costume ideas, here are a few examples:

Little Bo Beep

As her name implies, Bo Peep is a toy that is modeled after Little Bo Peep. Bo Peep is also Woody?s love interest in the movie, so the two Toy Story costumes work great for couples! All it would take to dress up as Bo Peep from Toy Story is a cute shepherdess outfit ? you can probably find what you need at your local vintage or thrift store.

Hamm the Piggy Bank

Hamm really stole the show for many fans of the Toy Story films. Purchasing a pig costume would allow you to create a Toy Story costume in Hamm's image rather easily. He is a piggy bank, so you just need to make it obvious that there's a coin slot on the back and a cork on the tummy. Of course you can simply find a ready-made Hamm costume online if that's more up your alley.

The Well-Known Mr. Potato Head

A large plastic toy with colorful detachable body parts, Mr. Potato Head is an outspoken character with a sarcastic tone in the movie. And he makes a great Toy Story costume. The challenge here is with creating the interchangeable parts, but imagine the possibilities! You could wear a different Mr. Potato Head costume for each party you go to.

And, for girls, Mrs. Potato Head is a great Toy Story costume choice. She looks similar to Mr. Potato Head, with more feminine looking features. Again, Mrs. Potato Head Toy Story costumes are a great way to show off your creative side!


Sarge is the commander of a group of green plastic toy soldiers. He remains a very well-liked character, and the ease of duplicating his army uniform makes him a popular choice for Toy Story costumes.

Whether you go with Bo Peep, Mr. Potato Head, Sarge or Hamm, you're sure to have a hot and unique Toy Story costume. Why would you want to be like everyone else and blend in with the crowd as Buzz Lightyear, Woody or Jessie when you could be the life of the party as your own creation? - 29959

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